
Dario Sanfilippo

Circuit Fantôme Season 4 Episode 10
curated by Anton Iakhontov (Patrick K.-H.) and Daniel Teruggi,

Fr, 27 September , 2024
doors 19.00
performance 19:30

Pay as you wish 
Sa, 28 September , 2024
doors 19.00
performance 19:30

Pay as you wish
        Veronikag. 24
        1170 Wien


I am a composer, performer, audio programmer, and researcher specialised in musical complex adaptive systems.I have a PhD in Creative Music Practice from the University of Edinburgh and my artistic research focuses on the exploration of new music through artificial intelligence (in the broadest sense) and artificial life implemented via adaptive audio feedback networks.My work combines principles of agency, autopoiesis, evolvability, and radical constructivism to design systems that are deployed in live performance for human-machine interaction or autonomous music.I code mainly in C/C++ and Faust for real-time processing, and Python for plotting and offline processing. My interests include branchless and functional programming, virtual analogue filters, chaotic sound synthesis, feedback delay networks reverberation, lookahead limiters, cellular automata, Markov chains, and neural networks for one-bit audio.I am part of the R&D team at FL Studio, primarily investigating DSP, generative algorithms, and tools for computer-assisted sound and music creation.


"Constructing Realities" (tape, live spatialization)
Constructing Realities is a performance piece for an audio complex adaptive system and a performer interfaced via microphones and loudspeakers. The DSP network is provided with a sensing infrastructure in the sound domain, and an adaptation network recursively reshapes the DSP topologies, relationships and the sensing mechanisms themselves. The result is an autonomous system that responds to external and internal conditions and explores a continuous (though limited by the software data type) behavioral space that generates long-term coherence and formal developments. The performer, another agent within a larger recursive network involving microphones, loudspeakers, environment, and DSP, operates by altering the position of the microphones in the space; i.e., by altering the physical topology of the network.

"Order from Noise" (tape, live spatialization)
Order from Noise is a performance for a complex adaptive system. An autonomous recursive DSP network with elementary information processing and statistical mechanisms is activated with one millisecond of background noise from the environment; the signal, the sole sonic source, recirculates incessantly undergoing continuous transformations while the DSP network reshapes its relationships and structures. The system is left unattended for as long as the performer considers a sonic evolution completed; then, the system is reset and reactivated several times with a new impulse, showing how radically it can diverge from a perceptually identical initial condition.

"Single-Fader Versatility" 
This work explores digital feedback systems with minimal self-regulating mechanisms and the idea of systemic mapping. The parameters of the agents in the network are all controlled by a single fader. Within each agent, these parameters are mapped so that control pairs act in a positive or negative feedback fashion regarding their specific characteristics and targets. The performer explores the parameter space by adjusting the fader when needed, and by sometimes switching the positive or negative feedback relationships between the control pairs.

Supported by Stadt Wien Kultur + BMKÖS + SKE

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