Circuit Fantôme
Season 1 Episode 7
François Bayle Weekly series of Octophonic Pieces
curated by Anton Iakhontov in close cooperation with Daniel Teruggi
September 09 - September 10, 2022 | 18.00-22.00
Veronikag. 24
1170 Wien
Supported by Stadt Wien Kultur and Institut Français

About the Series
Live performance | Round table | Artist talks | Listening sessions
Circuit fantôme is a weekly performance series for octophonic music. It is put together with the ACOUSMONIUM regular peer-advisor Daniel Teruggi and takes place in Vronihof, 1170 Vienna.
Don´t miss the other events of the series
Always Friday and Saturday July 29 – October 01, 2022
Full programme & dates ...
About the Series
Live performance | Round table | Artist talks | Listening sessions
Circuit fantôme is a weekly performance series for octophonic music. It is put together with the ACOUSMONIUM regular peer-advisor Daniel Teruggi and takes place in Vronihof, 1170 Vienna.
Don´t miss the other events of the series
Always Friday and Saturday July 29 – October 01, 2022
Full programme & dates ...
Circuit Fantôme Season 1 Episode 7
François Bayle
September 09, 2022 Friday
September 10, 2022 Saturday
Compositions ─ 1. Cercles, 13’17’’ / 2000-2001 — 2. Tremblement de terre très deux, 28’ / 1978 — 3. Vers, 12’25’’ / 2018
François Bayle
September 09, 2022 Friday
18.00 – 22.00 Listening session
September 10, 2022 Saturday
18.00 – 22.00 Listening session
Compositions ─ 1. Cercles, 13’17’’ / 2000-2001 — 2. Tremblement de terre très deux, 28’ / 1978 — 3. Vers, 12’25’’ / 2018
What will happen in this Episode?
Acousmonium, acousmatics, acousmathèque, acousmographe, are projects / concepts / tools / terminologies developed by F. Bayle, in cooperation with the team of the Grm which he directed during 30 years.
Since 1997, setting up his own Studio Magison, he has devoted himself to research, writing and composition.
Read more about François Bayle

1. Cercles, 13’17’’ / 2000-2001 (cat. 91d)
5ème moment de ‘La forme du temps est un cercle’
5th moment of ‘The shape of time is a circle’
Here are some of the figures of time, put into action. There is what presses and flees, - what beats and hammers, - what breaks in wave, - what withdraws, reverses, - what splashes in sheaf, - what trickles in rain, - what flows, by ginning, - what pearls slowly, - what gushes by jerks, - what gyrates in whirlpool, - what evaporates...
In five stages, the listening path accomplishes a journey, going towards its finest grain, and the perception progressively becomes sharper in its appreciation of images and forms.
The transience of the colors, the velocity of the figures will be resolved in a spiral motion (this three-dimensional form of the circle), according to which the initial sound-image (the bells) will be prolonged to infinity in the final sound-image: that of summer crickets in the night of a suspended, dreamy time.
2. Tremblement de terre très doux!, 28’ / 1978 (cat. 66)
5ème moment de ‘La forme du temps est un cercle’
5th moment of ‘The shape of time is a circle’
Here are some of the figures of time, put into action. There is what presses and flees, - what beats and hammers, - what breaks in wave, - what withdraws, reverses, - what splashes in sheaf, - what trickles in rain, - what flows, by ginning, - what pearls slowly, - what gushes by jerks, - what gyrates in whirlpool, - what evaporates...
In five stages, the listening path accomplishes a journey, going towards its finest grain, and the perception progressively becomes sharper in its appreciation of images and forms.
The transience of the colors, the velocity of the figures will be resolved in a spiral motion (this three-dimensional form of the circle), according to which the initial sound-image (the bells) will be prolonged to infinity in the final sound-image: that of summer crickets in the night of a suspended, dreamy time.
2. Tremblement de terre très doux!, 28’ / 1978 (cat. 66)
2ème partie d’Erosphère
2nd part of Erosphere
The title - in musical homage to Max Ernst - is meant to evoke a world of auditory images in combination with the fantasy of unexpected relationships. 'The strange' is created by the familiar. What do these rolls, these murmurs, these impulses, this song, these peaceful rounds, these sudden bursts, these returned calms recall?
The path of the work could also depict the dramatic unfolding of a day (of a life?) from daybreak (climate 1) to night (landscape 4), passing through anxious encounters, transits (1 to 3), preparing for the drama that is tied up in landscape 3 before unraveling in climate 4.
The "narration" organizes adjusted, balanced and linked musical values where harmonic temperatures, closed spaces, muffled movements, a moment of panic, brilliance, a serious resumption which remains in suspense...
« Les propriétés souterraines de l’écoute bousculent doucement les idées »
3. Vers... , 12’25’’ / 2018 (cat. 105)
2ème partie d’Erosphère
2nd part of Erosphere
The title - in musical homage to Max Ernst - is meant to evoke a world of auditory images in combination with the fantasy of unexpected relationships. 'The strange' is created by the familiar. What do these rolls, these murmurs, these impulses, this song, these peaceful rounds, these sudden bursts, these returned calms recall?
The path of the work could also depict the dramatic unfolding of a day (of a life?) from daybreak (climate 1) to night (landscape 4), passing through anxious encounters, transits (1 to 3), preparing for the drama that is tied up in landscape 3 before unraveling in climate 4.
The "narration" organizes adjusted, balanced and linked musical values where harmonic temperatures, closed spaces, muffled movements, a moment of panic, brilliance, a serious resumption which remains in suspense...
climate 1 | electronic flows, aurora |
transit 1 | image / mirage |
landscape 1 | rolling / sizzling / light wind |
climate 2 | regular/irregular flows and rhythms |
landscape 2 | composed loops in diminution |
transit 2 | transposition |
landscape 3 | maximum of fast and slow values: walking - jumping - sliding - flying |
climate 3 | flows and transposition - climate 1 reversed |
landscape 4 | slices and shocks |
climate 4 | and |
transit 3 | flows and variations |
landscape 4 | depth and |
continuation and end | colors of the night |
« Les propriétés souterraines de l’écoute bousculent doucement les idées »
3. Vers... , 12’25’’ / 2018 (cat. 105)
4ème moment du Projet « OUÏR »
4th moment of Project "OUÏR"
Tensions-attractions, shifting attention
Resonant suspense...
... horizon of expectation... luminous orients... impulses...
To let the hearing act as it pleases, to follow the lines of force, those of the blocks and the holes of silence, of the masses and the whirlpools.
Calls that attract, interferences that disturb, reminders that repel.
Signs (insignificant), situations (uncertain).
Paths towards the distant.
4ème moment du Projet « OUÏR »
4th moment of Project "OUÏR"
Tensions-attractions, shifting attention
Resonant suspense...
... horizon of expectation... luminous orients... impulses...
To let the hearing act as it pleases, to follow the lines of force, those of the blocks and the holes of silence, of the masses and the whirlpools.
Calls that attract, interferences that disturb, reminders that repel.
Signs (insignificant), situations (uncertain).
Paths towards the distant.
Preview – What will happen next?