Circuit Fantôme
Season 1 Episode 6
The Symphony of Industrial Horns by Arseny Avraamov
Sept 02 - Sept 03, 2022 | 18.00-22.00
Veronikag. 24
1170 Wien
Supported by Stadt Wien Kultur and Institut Français

About the Series
Live performance | Round table | Artist talks | Listening sessions
Circuit fantôme is a weekly performance series for octophonic music. It is put together with the ACOUSMONIUM regular peer-advisor Daniel Teruggi and takes place in Vronihof, 1170 Vienna.
Don´t miss the other events of the series
Always Friday and Saturday July 29 – October 01, 2022
Full programme & dates ...
About the Series
Live performance | Round table | Artist talks | Listening sessions
Circuit fantôme is a weekly performance series for octophonic music. It is put together with the ACOUSMONIUM regular peer-advisor Daniel Teruggi and takes place in Vronihof, 1170 Vienna.
Don´t miss the other events of the series
Always Friday and Saturday July 29 – October 01, 2022
Full programme & dates ...
Circuit Fantôme Season 1 Episode 6
Symphony of Industrial Horns
by Arseny Avraamov Reconstruction by Sergey Khismatov @Vronihof
September 02, 2022 Friday
September 03, 2022 Saturday
The reconstruction is based on Mandate (1923) by Avraamov and was created by Sergey Khismatov in 2009. Original reconstruction was created for 8 or more channels around audience to imitate sounding surround of city.
Symphony of Industrial Horns
by Arseny Avraamov Reconstruction by Sergey Khismatov @Vronihof
September 02, 2022 Friday
18.00 – 19.30 (Not so) Round table Symphonies of Sirens
Participants: Sergey Khismatov, Daniel Teruggi
Participant/Moderator: Anton Iakhontov aka. Patrick K.-H.
19.30 – 22.00 Live performance / Listening session
September 03, 2022 Saturday
18.00 – 22.00 Live performance / Listening session
The reconstruction is based on Mandate (1923) by Avraamov and was created by Sergey Khismatov in 2009. Original reconstruction was created for 8 or more channels around audience to imitate sounding surround of city.
The Symphony of Industrial Horns by Arseny Avraamov was created in 1922 and was performed in Baku in 1922 and Moscow in 1923.
The stage of performance is a whole city. The main instruments were industrial horns, horns of fleet and trains, cannon and machine guns, sirens, large choir, aviation and others.
The reconstruction is based on Mandate (1923) by Avraamov and was created by Sergey Khismatov in 2009. Original reconstruction was created for 8 or more channels around audience to imitate sounding surround of city.

Mandate for the Symphony of Industrial Horns
“The first cannon shot from the roadstead (in about 12 o’clock) cues the alarm horns of Zych, White City, Bibi-Heybat and Bailov plants.
The fifth cannon shot cues the industrial horns of Product Management Azneft and docks.
The tenth cues the second and the third groups of Chernogorodsky district.
The 15th cues the first group of Black town and the sirens of the fleet. At the same time the fourth company of the Armavir courses of red commanders and the brass orchestra playing Warshavyanka go to the pier.
The 18th cannon shot cues the plants of Gorrayon and the seaplanes take off.
The 20th cues the horns of the railway depot and the locomotives, that remain at the stations. Machine guns, infantry and steam orchestra, entering at the same time, get cues directly from the conducting tower.
During the last 5 cannon shots alarm gets to the maximum and terminates with the 25th shot. Pause.
Recall (signal from the Magistral).
Triple chord of the sirens. Seaplanes descend. “Hurrah” from the pier. Cue from the Magistral. “L' Internationale” (4 times). With the second half strophe the brass orchestra starts playing “La Marseillaise”. With the first repeat of “L' Internationale” melody the whole square starts to sing all three strophes of “L' Internationale” to the end. At the end of the last strophe the Armavir companies with orchestras return, met by “hurrah” calls from the square. During the performance of “L'Internationale” all the industrial horns and the railway station (depot and locomotives) remain silent.
Right after a joint triumphant chord, accompanied by cannon shots and bell-ringing, is played for 3 minutes.
Ceremonial March. «L' Internationale” is repeated two more times at cues during the final procession. After the third (final) performance the sirens cue one more joint chord of all the horns of Baku and its districts.”
Arseny Avraamov
“Horn” magazine, 1923
“Horn” magazine, 1923
Further information about the project
Listen to spatialized Version of Symphony of Industrial Horns of Sergey Khismatov here.
Previous performances
2019 Budapest
2019 Bratislava
2028 Vilnius
2018 Wasserschloss Reelkirchen, NRW, Germany
2017 Documenta 14 Athens
2015 Budva, Montenegro
2014 Moscow
2013 Liverpool
2010 Kiev
2009 and 2010 St. Petersburg
Preview – What will happen next?