Angélica Castelló
Composer, Sound Artist
© Rania Moslam
Angélica Castelló — composer, sound artist.
Using field recordings, radio and cassette devices together with the extravagant sounds of the paetzold recorder, composer and sound artist Angelica Castelló journeys through the enigmatic land of lost memories, death and traumatic encounters, fragility, dreamworld and the subconscious. Born in Mexico City, Castelló studied classical recorder and composition in Mexico, Canada, Holland and Austria where she currently lives and works.
She performs continuously solo or in cooperations everywhere between Mexico City and Vienna. Numerous compositions for ensembles, fixed media, radio works as well as installations that operate at the interface of music, performance and visual arts. Several releases on labels like Interstellar records, Mikroton recordings, Monotype records, Mosz a.o.
Abismo, 2023
Performed within Acousmonium 2023 / premiere:
mu//et/ 22’34” / 2016, digital version
mu//et/ is a piece about voice and silentness, about construction, destruction, death and catharsis, tabu and Mordlust.
The sounds are being recorded in the most different ways: from old cassette recorders, mobile phones and dictaphones till high quality studio recordings. the material is, on one side, all kind of voices saying microscopic poems (by castello) and on the other side lots of field recordings / objects trouvés / diario sonoro… this sounds being sometimes recorded and re-recorded and re-re-re-corded till they die and transform.