
A C O U S M O N I U M    2 0 2 3    
M a r c h  0 8  -  1 0

Festival of Acousmatic Music
curated by Armando Balice and Anton Iakhontov

per day — EUR 10  / EUR 7 (reduced) | all three days — EUR 24 / EUR 18 (reduced)

Doors opened at 18.30 Uhr
Performances started at 19.00

      Sechshauser Straße 66 
      1150 Wien

All Videos from Acousmonium 2023 here ...

About the Event

International festival of multichannel electroacoustic music.

Curated by Anton Iakhontov and Armando Balice.
co-production of the Floating Sound Gallery Vienna, Alcome and Echoraum.

ACOUSMONIUM festival was launched by the Floating Sound Gallery as an annual platform for international artists in 2018 at the New Stage of Alexandrinsky Theater St.Petersburg. It offers a platform of the “loudspeakers orchestra”, proposed by Francois Bayle in 1974 as an environment for live concert situation of electronically made music, to communicate the works of experimental genres.

This year we enjoy the collaboration with two contemporary classics - Alcome of France, who are not only bringing their program but also their loudspeakers system, and Diapason, pioneers of multichannel in New York.



Members of ALCÔME
presenting their compositions

Armando Balice
            La lumière vire au noir (2023, premiere)

Maylis Raynal  
    Ostadara (l'arc-en-ciel) (premiere 2023)

Paul Ramage 
    M comme Mauvaise rencontre (2023, premiere)

Livia Giovaninetti
    Foxp2 (2015)

Qingqing Teng
    Yin System (premiere 2023, inspired by first Alcome collective project Système-S premiered in 2013)

Patrick K.-H.
    fwer (2022)

Angélica Castelló
    Abismo (2023, premiere), fixed media



Compositions commissioned by
Diapason Sound Art Gallery

Amnon Wolman
    Low Ground Clearance (2004)
Bruce Andrews
    Spaced Out (2005)
Tetsu Inoue
    Fragment: Dot (2000)
Micah Silver
    You and Me, Going (2008)
Esther Venrooy
    Vessel (2008)
Zeena Parkins + Douglas Henderson
    Polyconic Projections (2006)
Marina Rosenfeld
    anti-Warhol movement (in 16 cues) (2003)
Jason Kahn
    Winter (2003)
Stephen Vitiello
    Rush and Lullaby (2005)
Jim O'Rourke
    Untitled (2017)

Michael J. Schumacher
    Stills (series, since 1990s)
Bernhard Gál
    Vierband (2023, premiere)

Maja Osojnik
    EXPOSITION #01 / DOORWAYS #10 (2022/2023)


Armando Balice
    The light went out before I could see (2022)

Paul Ramage
    Romance is a ticket to Paradise (2023)

Patrick K.-H.
     Postards (2021-23)

Katharina Klement
   Wasserlauf, part 5, 6, 7 (stereo-version, 14 min., 2021)

Volkmar Klien
    Zusammengesetzt aus den Defiziten Vieler (2022)
    Klingelkopfi – Kopfiklingel (2023, premiere)

Daniel Teruggi
    The Shining Space (1999)

Supported by / Gefördert von Stadt Wien Kultur, BMKÖS, SKE austromechana, echoraum und ALCÔME

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