
Livia Giovaninetti

Livia Giovaninetti was born in 1985 in a family of musicians and began her musical education by learning the violin. Interested in different forms of musical expression, she discovered Roma music, composing/writing, arranging and most recently she came across jazz. During her studies at the CRR in Cergy-Pontoise, she initially focused on it. During various internships, she discovered electroacoustic music - studying with Alexandre Lévy and later with Annette Vande Gorne. After studying for a year at the CRD in Pantin, she continued her studies in electroacoustic composition at the CRR in Paris and received her graduate diploma. In 2013, together with Armando Balice, she founded the Organi-sation Alcôme, dedicated to electroacoustic music, which regularly organizes and participates in concerts in France and Europe. For the past fifteen years, she has been teaching as a pedagogue in music academies, working to develop and update this discipline. She is committed to the diversification of aesthetics. A versatile person, she is currently dedicated to her education in the field of pop-rock music.

Foxp2 (2015)
Commissioned by Alcôme

Presented within Acousmonium 2023
Performed by Paul Ramage

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