Christine Groult
Composer, Teacher
Christine Groult composes music for concerts, theatre, choreographies, and documentaries. Her work proceeds from an attempt to express emotional realities. She is particularly interested in the poetic potential of sounds (recordings and their transformations) and in novel dramatic sound effects.
Electroacoustic music is her mode of expression. As the KM music group (Kairos Music) in Pantin writes: »This form of composition evolves an indoors sonorous subject matter which creates meaningful images with a connective capacity. She is on the same wave length as the plastic arts and the way they treat matter and space.«
Thus, since 2003, Christine Groult has staged musical scenographies «in situ». Her aim is to go towards the public in places which lend themselves both to the imagination and to the evocation of real life. Through overtly visible sociological, historical, geographic or architectural elements she tries to conjure up another sort of reality as though what is visible testified to an invisible reality that bestows upon it both content and form.
Studies, teachings and achievements:
- From 1973 to 1977 Christine Groult studied simultaneously at the Group for Musical Research (GRM) of the French radio under the direction of Pierre Schaeffer, at the experimental conservatory in Pantin and at the Sorbonne in the department of musicology.
- 1976-86: Assistant in the pedagogical department of IRCAM (Institute of Research and Coordination in Acoustic Music) under the direction of Michel Decoust.
- 1985-90: In charge of the studio for electroacoustic music at the School of Music in Châlon-sur-Saône.
- 1989: Won the highest award in electroacoustics (CA).
- 1990 on:Tenured professor of electroacoustic composition at the School of Music in Pantin.
Christine Groult is the Coordinator of the Department of Music Composition at the Pantin Conservatoire, France. She is also Professor of electroacoustic composition and Head of the Electroacoustic Studio since 1990.
Christine Groult presenting her pieces Si je les écoutais..., and Eaux mêlées – played within Circuit Fantôme Season 1 Episode 8
Si je les écoutais… , 18’, 2008
Presented within Circuit Fantôme Season 1 Episode 8
Eaux mêlées, 29’, 2021
Presented within Circuit Fantôme Season 1 Episode 8