
Circuit Fantôme

Season 2 Episode 1

Arash Azadi
Weekly series of Octophonic Pieces
curated by Anton Iakhontov

May 19 - May 20, 2023 | 18.00-22.00

      Veronikag. 24
      1170 Wien

About the Series

Live performance | Listening sessions

Circuit fantôme is a weekly performance series for octophonic music. It is put together by Anton Iakhontov and takes place in Vronihof, 1170 Vienna. 

Don´t miss the other events of the series Full programme & dates ...

Circuit Fantôme Season 2 Episode 1
Arash Azadi

May 19, 2023   Friday
18.00 – 22.00   Listening session

May 20, 2023   Saturday
18.00 – 22.00   Listening session

Composition   ─  Ballet No. 1 (2021-22) 65’29”

What will happen in this Episode?

Born in 1994 in Hamedan, Iran, Azadi began studying classical Persian setar at the age of nine. In 2012, he enrolled in Armenia's Yerevan State Conservatory, where he majored in composition and began mastering the ins and outs of the visual programming language Max/MSP through an online course offered by the Massachusetts College of Art. His most recent works fall under the umbrella of electroacoustic and experimental music, and are often accompanied by audio-visual effects, performance art or improvised dance and theatre.

Read more about Arash Azadi


Ballet No. 1 (2021-22) 65’29”

Ballet No. 1 is an acousmatic composition for fixed media (tape) in 12 movements. Each movement pictures a different scene by using a variety of harmonies, colors, texture and orchestrations, giving the choreographers a rich pallet of opportunities to stage different kinds of narrations.

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