Circuit Fantôme
Season 3 Episode 9
Christian Eloy
Octophonic Series
curated by Anton Iakhontov and Daniel Teruggi
November 10 - 11, 2023 | 18.00-22.00
Veronikag. 24
1170 Wien
Supported by Stadt Wien Kultur

About the Series
Live performance | Listening sessions
Circuit fantôme is a performance series for octophonic music. It is put together by Anton Iakhontov and Daniel Teruggi and takes place in Vronihof, 1170 Vienna.
Don´t miss the other events of the series
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About the Series
Live performance | Listening sessions
Circuit fantôme is a performance series for octophonic music. It is put together by Anton Iakhontov and Daniel Teruggi and takes place in Vronihof, 1170 Vienna.
Don´t miss the other events of the series
Full programme & dates ...
Circuit Fantôme Season 3 Episode 9
Random Access Memory, 1998, 5’
(The strand), 1998, 12’
Eneyida, 2022, 08’30
Le Chant du bollard (The song of bollard), 2007, 12’
La cicatrice d’Ulysse (The scar of Ulysses), 2015, 13’
Blue rest, 2023, 10’
Random Access Memory, 1998, 5’
(The strand), 1998, 12’
Eneyida, 2022, 08’30
Le Chant du bollard (The song of bollard), 2007, 12’
La cicatrice d’Ulysse (The scar of Ulysses), 2015, 13’
Blue rest, 2023, 10’
What will happen in this Episode?
Christian Eloy
Christian Eloy (1945, Amiens, France) is a French composer who studied flute at the Conservatoire national de région in Amiens, then furthermore at the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique (CNSM) in Paris. He taught electro-acoustic composition at the Conservatoire national de région in Bordeaux. He worked within the electro-acoustic music assisted by computer workshop of the Groupe de recherches musicales (GRM) and at city of Paris. Also, he was teaching musicology in the universities of Bordeaux I & Bordeaux III. He's the founding member of composer's association Octandre and he director of the Studio de création et de recherche en informatique musicale électroacoustique (SCRIME) at the University of Bordeaux 1. |
Read more about Christian Eloy