Règis Renouard Larivière
Photo: INA grm
Régis Renouard Larivière (1959, Paris, France) is a French composer who studied electro-acoustic music under Philippe Mion and Jacques Lejeune in 1984. He also studied classical musical analysis with Francis Bayer, Hindoustani music in India with de Shivu Taralagatti. He's been appointed to teach electro-acoustic music at the Centre de formation de musiciens intervenants (CFMI) in Poitiers 1990-99. He worked on a regular basis with Christian Éloy on the workshops organized by the Groupe de recherches musicales (GRM) since 1999. He was also member of the board of the Ars Sonora magazine alonside Katherine Vayne and Christian Zanési (1995-99). He composed for tape and for stage, dance and theater alike. |
ESQUIVE, 10’ 10’’ / 2010
LAPS 1, 12’ 00’’ / 2018
CONTRÉE, 20’ 07’’ / 2013
LAPS 2, 10’ 17’’ / 2020
CONTRÉE, 20’ 07’’ / 2013
LAPS 2, 10’ 17’’ / 2020
Circuit Fantôme Season 3 Episode 5, September 01-02, 2023 in Vronihof.