Zeynep Sarıkartal

Zeynep Sarıkartal (1985, Ankara) is a sound-artist, improviser and researcher. She studied classical Piano in Ankara Bilkent Music School, had her Bachelor from Musicology in Istanbul Yildiz Technical University and her MA in University of Vienna in Ethnomusicology. Since 2010 she is based in Vienna and works as composer, improviser and sound artist in theater, film and multimedia projects, curates events, publishes articles, performs under the moniker ZS ZS. She mostly collaborated with musicians from the fields of experimental, noise, flashcore, extratone and other related genres. From 2016 on, she started to develop creative research projects that focuses on the concept of social death. ZS ZS live performances are about exploring and merging harsh, rhythmical and atmospheric soundscapes together with text and field recordings within a dramaturgical concept.
Verkohlt Unter derselben Sonne,
first act: Die Erde (11’) 2023/24
supported by Kompositionsförderung MA7
Performed at ACOUSMONIUM Festival at May 09 2024
(Anna K. Frommann: Voice, Performance, Zehra Dogan: Art Works, Ruth Pishler: Sound Reactive Visuals, Andreas Pronegg : Dramaturgical Assistance)
Taste of Pearl (8'47’’) 2023
video by Ulduz Ahmadzadeh
Performed at ACOUSMONIUM Festival at May 09 2024
2023 in Circuit Fantôme S2 Ep2
Converse, 6’25’’ (2018)
Taste of Pearl, 8’47’’ (2023 / video work by Ulduz Ahmadzadeh)
Pezevenk Herifler, 3’47’’ (2022)
Keine Frau für Muhammed, 6’25’’ (2019)