Jana Kluge
Circuit Fantôme Season 5 Episode 01curated by Anton Iakhontov (Patrick K.-H.) and Daniel Teruggi,

Jana Kluge:
Gutenberg Variations,
VideoArt & Electroacoustic Music , 41:07
work-in-progress 2011 (Revision 2014/17)
Komponisten der elektroakustischen musikalischen Miniaturen:
Beatriz Ferreyra ‘Vuelo sobre signos et remolinos’ (Video ‘Extension’)
Basilio del Boca ‘Alofonia’ (Video ‘Alphabetiques’)
Christine Groult ‘Rebellion’ (Video ‘Abrapalabra’)
José Mataloni ‘Toco tu boca’ (Video ‘Textura’)
Gerardo Dirié ‘Gutenberg en el tobogán de su pagina’ (Video ‘La Biblioteca secreta’)
Mario Mary ‘Los cuentos de Alma’ (Video ‘Cuentos’)
Jens Hedman ‘Papercloud’ (Video ‘Gutenberg’s Legacy’)
Horacio Vaggione ‘Osim’ (Video ‘Noosphere’)
Elsa Justel ‘Also sprach…’ (Video ‘The medium is the message’)
Judy Klein ‘Image’ (Video ‘Gutenberg’s Galaxy’)
Daniel Teruggi ‘Sweet J’ (Video ‘Marshall’s Departure’)
Monty Adkins ‘Hidden Tongues’ (Video ‘The Global Village’)
The theme of the project englobes 3 aspects of McLuhan's pioneering studies of communication technology and its cognitive changes in society: alphabetization, print culture and electronic media.
Gutenberg's invention of the printing press had such an impact on our social systems comparable to the cosmic Big Bang on the expansion of the universe; since then there are no limits to the odyssey in the space of our minds. Media revolutions - since the 15th Century of printed books until the present technological era - triggered radical social upheavals. The resulting changes in human consciousness were investigated in a very deep and original way by the Canadian philosopher and pioneer of media research Marshall McLuhan, who coined the terms "Gutenberg Galaxy" and "Global Village".
"Gutenberg Variations" are an audiovisual journey starting in the Gutenberg Galaxy and ending in the Global Village. In 2010 the 12 electroacoustic music compositions where premiered in a concert as part of the project "Gutenberg Galaxias" by Jana Kluge - realized in the Museo San Alberto in Córdoba, Argentina, in collaboration with the Goethe Institute. The composers obtained various digital images of the artist to inspire theme-related electroacoustic music miniatures. The main point of the entire project was the realization of an alphabetized Galaxy, whose expansion was accelerated by global colonization. The basement of the historical museum, where the Jesuits installed Argentina's first printing press in the 17th century, was an ideal place for the Gutenberg presentation. In 2011 Jana Kluge began to develop a summary version of the Argentine project for the McLuhan Centenary Festival in Toronto. In agreement with the 12 composers, she synchronized the ”galactic music” pieces with a revised imagery of her digital exhibition presented in Córdoba. Through mutual artistic influence, the audiovisual work-in-progress of the “Gutenberg Variations” started to grow and be performed until today in different manners at international venues and video festivals.
Supported by Stadt Wien Kultur + BMKÖS